украса с раковини

Безброй идеи за декорация с раковини, събрани през лятото край морето.

декорация с раковинидекорация с миди

декорация раковини


couronne bdm2
seashell platesраковини

Glass Display Coffee Table
Seashell Artshell encrusted pot
Shell Planter
Beach Bucket of Shells, Spilledshell planter chairseashell lamp

handmade seashell wreathseashell table

Starfish Bowls with Spheres, S/5

Custom Seashell Heart - Handmade with Driftshells

sailors valentineSailor ValentineSailors Valentineмидираковиниseashell_beach_funseashell_beach_funseashell-0473Seashell Mobileshellmuseum-13

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